Wow, it’s May already! Naturally, with the onset of warmer weather, our minds begin to turn towards our summer plans, our gardens, and the always nagging question as to how we are going to schedule our days. Some of us are blessed with a more leisurely demand on our time while others often reflect that if days would only have more than twenty-four hours, we would be able to catch up. I am afraid that I fall into the latter category as do several folks reading my contribution to our monthly newsletter. Regardless of the demands on our time, something that is always in the forefront of our thoughts for May is Mother’s Day. This is the day when we celebrate those special women in our lives that we call mom. This can be a biological mom or a person who was what a mother should be in our lives. We will never shake off the reality that they played a pivotal role in who we are today.
However, Mother’s Day is not the only day that is celebrated in May. Here are a few other days that are celebrated. May 3rd is Lumpy Rug Day. May 6th is No–Diet Day. May 8th is No Socks Day. May 9th is Lost Sock Memorial Day. The one I think was made for me is May 17th which is Pack Rat Day. I found that there is something being celebrated each day of the month. Celebrations seem to be an innate need of mankind. Since we started speaking of mothers, mine used to say to me, “the reason our people are poor is the moment they have two pennies to rub together, they celebrate and spend them.” As children of God, we have the best of reasons to celebrate. The moment we proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the old us disappeared and a new person stood in its place. We celebrate that in Christ we are a new creation. A creation that is now called God’s child, inheritor of His promises, sealed with the Holy Spirit and given the most important mandate in the world, sharing Christ. This month, I may rejoice that there is a day where I and my fellow packrats are recognized or I may have that second helping of dessert (as if I needed it) on No-Diet Day. I will also commemorate a very special woman who I normally called Mamá on May 10th who, although no longer physically with me, will remain a part of me forever. However, each day of this month the true celebration is that I wake up a child of God with an opportunity to proclaim His glory and give evidence of the new life I have in Him. What about you? What will be the main thing you celebrate this month? I sure hope it is Christ and not Lumpy Rug Day. Have a blessed month, Vic |
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