Happy Monday to all,
There are two thoughts home owners share. Well maybe three. My son and I usually joke when we are in the middle of a home improvement or repair project by saying "Buy a house they said; it will be fun they said." The two thoughts that I referred to are" (1) "The projects around here will never end". More than one husband has experienced enjoying the moment when a project is complete or about to be complete only to have the moment shattered by the words "honey, I've been thinking....." and a new project is on the docket. (2) The other thought many homeowners share occurs when a repair begins and we encounter what the previous owners or the original builders of the house did. That thought is the question: "what in the world were they thinking?" in reference to how something was built or repaired. The first thought is a regular part of my life. The second thought came to mind yesterday as I had to replace a couple of boards on the original back porch. As I sat there staring and asking myself, "what in the world were they thinking?" the thought that God probably looks at what we do sometimes, and says to Himself or to His angels, "What was he (or she) thinking?" as He shakes His head at some dough-headed decision we implemented in our lives. We often make such decisions pleased with ourselves. My reflection was followed by the question, "how can we minimize the times when God is forced ot ask that question?" What came to mind right away were words from the Lord's prayer. Specifically "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". In other words, we do things HIs way. Another text that came to mind were the words of the prophet Micah. [He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.] (Micah 6:8) To do justice is not meant in a legal sense but in doing what is right (according to God, not us). Loving kindness is treating others in the same kind, loving, and merciful way God has treated us. To walk humbly with Him is to take each step in our lives mindful of who He is, who we are in Him, and what that means about how we are to behave. I am convinced that the better we get at this, the less we will cause Him to look at us and wonder what in the world we were thinking in regards to some dough-headed decision. Have a blessed Monday Vic Comments are closed.
October 2021
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